Responding to emergencies

Rapid, dignified and efficient humanitarian aid

During a conflict, a natural disaster or an epidemic, people’s basic necessities – food, water, shelter – must be provided as quickly and as efficiently as possible, and with the ultimate respect for those in need.

Humanitarian emergencies

of our interventions
are in response
to an emergency

die every day of
water-related diseases


billion people
drink unhealthy water¹


women are exposed
to disease for lack
of access to toilets²

During the storm, sheeting was flying everywhere – the roof of my house just blew away. My house was flooded because of the rain. We had to take our children and leave in the middle of the night, while it was raining. We lost everything.
Jacqueline, a victim of Hurricane Matthew, Haiti, October 2016

With over 40 years’ humanitarian experience, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has been able to understand, adapt and improve the speed at which it responds, along with the quality of its solutions. Depending on the type of crisis, its suddenness, its intensity and its duration over time, our teams always prioritize the most appropriate solution, working with those affected; key players in delivering effective assistance.


In a world constrained by growing inequality and a resurgence of severe climate variations, crises are simultaneously more frequent, more intense and more sustained. Our teams will continue their efforts tomorrow and after tomorrow, ensuring that they’re on hand as soon as a crisis breaks out, helping those affected.


dignity kits
in 2016

people assisted
after a sudden

of our interventions
are related to water,
sanitation and hygiene

Distributing kits is one of the most efficient ways of relieving distress for families who have had to leave everything behind, with no shelter or means to cook. These kits are vital to their survival.”
Amélie Cardon, Deputy Program Operations Manager 

After a sudden natural disaster (earthquake, hurricane, tsunami), responsiveness is a priority. This means distributing kits (hygiene, water purification, shelter construction) and setting up emergency facilities (latrines, drinking water tanks) as a priority.

rapid response mechanisms: concrete help for victims

During a conflict, priority is given to developing rapid response mechanisms (RRM). With teams constantly monitoring situations and pre-positioned contingency stocks in place, we can respond to any attacks or sudden population displacement by delivering practical assistance to victims and any displaced communities, through the provision of material, nutritional and even financial support – security and general conditions permitting.


Faced with a severe outbreak, and in order to contain it as effectively as possible, our teams will adapt their emergency response to provide water, sanitation and hygiene by chlorinating water points, raising hygiene awareness and supporting health centres and medical teams, as was the case when combatting the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone.


experts are
on constant watch

emergency stocks:
one in Dubai,
one in Clichy (Paris)

people can be
assisted thanks
to this stock

days is the time
for a first
humanitarian response

Responding to emergencies means having the capacity, technical skills and financial and human resources to fulfil needs practically and efficiently, within 72 hours of a disaster.

So as to be ready to act as quickly as possible, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has a special unit at head office dedicated to emergency missions, which is on constant alert. Made up of a group based at head office, this unit also has a team of mobile experts experienced in emergency situations (logistics, needs assessment, water and sanitation, food security, etc.).  Available within hours, these experts are intended to get out into the field to lead exploration and assessment missions – key stages in ensuring the quality of any potential actions – and, of course, to roll out initial aid to cover humanitarian needs.


SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL also has its own emergency stocks. Comprising shelter kits, water purification kits, latrine kits and hygiene kits, these stocks are designed to meet the basic necessities for 10,000 people. An essential component in emergency responses, these supplies are stored at our head office in Clichy, as well as in Dubai. The first batch is deployed on the ground by the mobile emergency team within 48 hours of the disaster occurring. The second leaves following the initial results of assessments undertaken by the emergency team.

Source figures :
¹Goal 6 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs ( 
²WaterAid: Briefing note – 1 in 3 women lack access to safe toilets, 19 November 2012  

Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

Xavier Lauth


At head office