Public authorities and bodies

Local councils taking action

French public authorities and bodies engage in supporting the emergency humanitarian response to natural disasters, sustainable access to drinking water, the fight against cholera, and so on. With the Thiollière law on decentralized cooperation and the Oudin-Santini 1% scheme, they can be part of meaningful international solidarity for their area and their fellow citizens, providing education in citizenship and the environment, promoting world cooperation, and raising awareness on human rights, etc.

Getting involved with SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL to help with growth-generating infrastructure building projects, with populations in developing countries, means we can provide long-term access to drinking water and sanitation, as well as forging links with local authorities, with a view to bringing about direct, decentralized cooperation.

Our public partners also get involved during a humanitarian emergency, helping those hit by natural disasters, war and health crises. Haiti, the Philippines, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh are just some of the places where we’ve been able to help, thanks to their support.

The Oudin-Santini law

This law means French authorities and bodies can now devote up to 1% of their resources allocated to from their ``water, sanitation and waste`` budgets to international socially responsible and charitable charity missions and decentralized cooperation efforts working to provide drinking water access, sanitation and waste management. For more information, just get in touch!


When you work with SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL, you’ll be choosing to benefit from more than 35 years of knowhow and technical expertise in over 30 countries. It means you’ve chosen to have an impact on the lives of thousands of families, through projects that hinge on the involvement and mobilization of local authorities and communities.

With SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL, you’re also choosing transparency and professionalism: accurate, illustrated reports, feedback on experiences (eye-witness accounts, photo exhibitions), project management as well as internal and external monitoring, audited accounts, and an emphasis on partnership right across all of the association’s media.

Lastly, you‘ll be choosing a way to support the most dispossessed. With 91.13% of funds allocated straight to work on the ground, SI sets the standard for this sector. Contact us to see how together we can design a project that’s right for your area.


The Communauté d’Agglomération de Saint Omer funds three of SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s projects: one in Bangladesh, one in Nepal, and another in Lebanon. The city’s urban planning teams also commission our operational teams to roll out geographic information systems (GIS) across the areas where we work.

Since 2015, using the Water Fund set up by the Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer coordinated in turn by the Urban Planning and Development Agency, we have been working with SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL on water access and sanitation projects in several countries. The professionalism and responsiveness of the teams, coupled with their approach based on solutions devised both with and for the beneficiaries, make it an efficient partnership that can really help to improve people’s living conditions over the long term.

The Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays Voironnais, which has been working together with the Kalemie REGIDESO in DRC since 2011, has enabled SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL to redevelop the water network serving the town’s 253,000 inhabitants, thereby helping to combat cholera, which is endemic in this area. This project is scheduled to run until 2019.