As Yemen faces a civil war that has been ignored for many years, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has decided to take aid further by strengthening its team in the field with a dedicated emergency cell.
Since the opening of the Yemen mission in 2017, our teams’ positioning has always been very clear: quick and efficient interventions, as close as possible to where needs and people are located.
« However, and despite the growing needs, due to a lack of logistical capacity and the constraints linked to security and access management, the team’s extreme emergency responses, while they did happen, were not as frequent as expected », deplored Quentin Rouveirolles, Middle-East Program Manager.
Aware of the need to strengthen its internal rapid emergency response capacities, the mission decided during the first 2019 semester to set-up an emergency intervention team, equipped with resources specialized in logistics, administration, security and access management.
Aware of the need to strengthen its internal rapid emergency response capacities, the mission decided during the first 2019 semester to set-up an emergency intervention team, equipped with resources specialized in logistics, administration, security and access management.”
Quentin Rouveirolles, Middle-East Program Manager.
Avoiding to disrupt current ongoing programs
This new emergency intervention team has therefore two objectives. The first is to establish surge capacity to support our current emergency interventions, in order not to disrupt our “routine” ongoing programs in the bases (the latter also usually handle “emergencies” – though more chronic or long-lasting -) The second objective: to support the deployment and to undertake emergency interventions in new fields of intervention, outside the current geographical scope.
Context and action- 34.16 million inhabitants
- 183rd out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index
- 296,355 people assisted
Since January 2019, there have been
326 620
more internally displaced people in Yemen.
outbreaks, FLOODS and POPULATION displacement
It is therefore in response to new population displacements, sudden floods or cholera outbreaks and other waterborne diseases that this emergency team is to be deployed. “In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we have set-up a rapid response system addressing population movements, in which many actors are involved in order to cover the whole country. In Yemen, such mechanisms are already present. We do not presume to create a new one; instead, we aim at complementing or supporting the existing ones”, concluded Quentin Rouveirolles.
taking aid further
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