

Intervening effectively to address the needs of Syrian refugees and Lebanese populations heavily impacted by an unprecedented political and economic crisis
3.6/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
175,656 people assisted


The social, economic and financial collapse in 2019 plunged Lebanon into an extremely severe crisis.

Lebanon continues to host large numbers of Syrian refugees, while it is still suffering from an unprecedented economic, social and financial crisis, and paralysed by political deadlock.

This situation has heightened the needs of the most vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese people in the country. Lebanon is increasingly affected by rising prices and difficulties importing food and agricultural products, in part due to the war in Ukraine.

The Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza strip has triggered an escalation in cross-border fire in southern Lebanon since October 2023, forcing the region’s population to seek refuge in the north of the country.

People are becoming increasingly vulnerable as a result of inefficient public services, infrastructure and markets. In addition, climate change affects the availability of natural resources and increases the risk of natural disasters.

  • 5.7 million inhabitants
  • 112th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2013
  • Team 9 international staff
    101 national staff
  • Budget 7.65M€

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s teams took immediate action in response to escalating tension in the south of the country. When mass displacements occur, the areas that people move to in search of refuge tend to become overcrowded, with no access to drinking water.

In the early stages of an emergency, providing immediate access to drinking water, hygiene and sanitation, in conjunction with vital health services, not only helps save lives and maintain dignity and security, but is also essential to prevent the outbreak of diseases that would compound the difficulties of displaced populations. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s teams therefore pre-positioned all the necessary WASH items for survival and were ready to immediately respond to all emergency needs.


Institutional and private funding partners AFD, UNICEF, CDCS, CIAA, MADAD, ECHO, OCHA, AERMC, Veolia Fundation, Start Fund
Operating partners ACF, ACTED, GVC, CRF, CRL, Lebanon Reforestation Initiative (LRI), René Mawad Foundation (RMF), Farah Social Foundation (FSF), HI, RI, NRC, OXFAM

Our impact

Responding to the needs of vulnerable populations following sudden shocks

  • Urban shelter program
  • Distribution of water and hygiene kits
  • Response to the cholera epidemic

Providing basic services and improving the ability of vulnerable populations to cope with shocks

  • Training in agriculture
  • Support for agricultural production
  • Rehabilitation of irrigation systems
  • Training in water management
  • Rehabilitation of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities
people helped

Building the resilience of communities and systems by increasing the capacity of local actors to provide public services

  • Coordination and communication with stakeholders
  • Support for the development of WASH actors
  • Training in agroecology

Should you have any questions, please contact Thomas Janny.

Thomas Janny

In the world


At head office