

A deteriorating humanitarian situation against the backdrop of a persisting crisis in the heart of the Sahel
354,739 people internally displaced
209,774 refugees in neighbouring countries
4.3/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
310,458 people assisted


The security situation and humanitarian context in Mali remained complex in 2023, due to persistent armed conflict, inter-community violence and natural disasters.

There was then a sharp deterioration in the security situation when the withdrawal of MINUSMA was announced in June. As a result of the hand-over of MINUSMA military bases, the fighting moved towards the central and northern regions of the country, where there were clashes between the Malian Armed Forces, groups who had signed the Algiers agreement, and non-state armed groups. These hostilities hindered access to basic services and exacerbated humanitarian needs for water access, food security, protection and healthcare throughout the country.

The security crisis triggered largescale population displacements: in December 2023, there were 354,739 people displaced within the country and 209,774 people had sought refuge in neighbouring countries.

  • 22.40 million inhabitants
  • 186th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2012
  • Team 28 international staff
    160 national staff
  • Budget 8.71M€

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL demonstrated a high degree of adaptability in 2023 and showed that it was capable of providing effective humanitarian assistance despite the volatile security situation in Mali. Our organisation continued to support populations displaced by the security crisis in the Ségou and Timbuktu regions, using the rapid response mechanism.

Despite the partial blockade imposed by armed groups in the Timbuktu region in mid-August, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s teams managed to adapt their access strategy by basing their approach on local acceptance, which enabled them to resume their activities in complex circumstances.


Institutional and private funding partners UNICEF, WFP, BHA, ECHO, EUD (via ACOR led by HI)Operating part
Operating partners HI, ACTED

Our impact

Emergency multi-sectoral response

  • Cash transfers
  • Installation of emergency and semi-permanent shelters
  • Distribution of basic necessity kits
  • Repairing / rehabilitation of water points
  • Construction of emergency latrines

Access to essential goods and services, livelihood recovery

  • Minimum water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) pack in healthcare facilities
  • Rehabilitation and extension of water access infrastructure
  • Raising awareness on good food and hygiene practices
people helped

Building the resilience of individuals, communities and institutions

  • Capacity-building for local stakeholders to manage WASH services
  • Scaling up safe, sustainable sanitation solutions
  • Promotion of sustainable agricultural techniques

Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

Xavier Lauth


At head office