
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Between armed conflict and epidemics
26.4 million people need humanitarian aid
6.9 million people displaced
4.4/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
975,048 people assisted


In DRC, relentless armed conflict, combined with natural disasters and epidemics, has left 26.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

The security situation has deteriorateddue to a new round of armed clashes, especially in the provinces of Ituri and North-Kivu, which have triggered one of the most severe internal displacement crises in the world, with a total of 6.9 million displaced people registered in 2023.

In addition, the combined effects of the lasting conflict and numerous shocks (security, health, climate, economic) have exacerbated the population’s vulnerability to existing threats, in particular epidemics and waterborne diseases, while access to healthcare remains a challenge.

  • 102.26 millions inhabitants
  • 179th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2000
  • Team 23 international staff
    233 national staff
  • Budget 18.01M€

In early 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL responded to the M23 crisis by providing assistance for displaced people on the outskirts of Goma. Faced with large-scale needs and a lack of resources, our NGO advocated for funding with our partners. As soon as funds were obtained from the European donor ECHO, we set up a “Petit Nord Kivu” operational zone, where we opened a field base, recruited a team and negotiated access with local stakeholders.

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL systematically adapted its activities to the evolving conflict, enabling us to take action on both sides of the front line. However, there are still very substantial
humanitarian needs, and we are pursuing our advocacy to respond to them.


Institutional and private funding partners ECHO, BHA, CDCS, DRC HF, AFD, SDC, FCDO, AERMC
Operating partners ACF, Mercy Corps, ACTED, NRC, Concern Worldwide, FAEVU, SOFEPADI

Our impact

Responding to urgent needs with the imperative of protecting human dignity

  • Emergency assessments of multi-sectoral and sector-specific needs
  • Multi-sectoral emergency response encompassing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
    and food security and livelihoods (FSL) activities
people helped

In stable areas, helping vulnerable populations to recover and build their resilience

  • Support for agricultural recovery and livestock rearing
  • Setting up income generating activities and village savings and credit associations
  • In areas where basic services are not functioning, supporting development for vulnerable
    populations by meeting structural needs and improving their environment
  • Improving public health by providing appropriate assistance

Should you have any questions, please contact Justine Muzik Piquemal.

Justine Muzik Piquemal

In the world


At head office