

An accumulation of humanitarian crisis
+ than 500,000 people welcomed to the east of the country since 15 April 2023
4.2/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
58,711 people assisted


Chad is suffering from a complex humanitarian crisis due to armed conflict, insecurity, the fight against terrorism and socio-political tension.

This crisis is unfolding against a backdrop of structural poverty, very low development of infrastructure and public services, and extreme weather events due to climate change.

One of the worst affected areas in the country is Lake Chad province. Local populations have been forced to flee due to protection incidents involving civilians, climate shocks, increasing food and nutrition insecurity, and health crises.

In addition, since 15 April 2023, more than 500,000 people – refugees and returnees – have fled the conflict in Sudan and sought refuge in eastern Chad. Humanitarian needs in the area are immense and require an emergency response to protect the lives and dignity of vulnerable populations.

  • 18.52 million inhabitants
  • 190th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2008
  • Team 13 international staff
    25 national staff
  • Budget 1.99M€

During 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s Chad mission continued to work in volatile areas of the country. The mission also consolidated its presence in the Lake Chad basin by developing innovative practices and techniques to provide emergency humanitarian assistance, covering food security, livelihoods and WASH needs.

This year also saw the deployment of our teams to eastern Chad after conflict broke out in Sudan, which triggered significant population displacements in the region. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL was one of the first humanitarian organisations to take action in the area and provide multi-sectoral assistance.


Institutional and private funding partners DG ECHO, CDCS, AFD, EUD
Operating partners Tammounde Speranza, ACHDR

Our impact

Emergency multi-sectoral response

  • Cash transfers
  • Installation of emergency and semi-permanent shelters
  • Distribution of basic necessity kits
  • Repairing/rehabilitation of water points
  • Construction of emergency latrines

Access to essential goods and services, livelihood recovery

  • Minimum water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) pack in healthcare facilities
  • Rehabilitation and extension of water access infrastructure
  • Raising awareness on good food and hygiene practices
people helped

Building the resilience of individuals, communities and institutions

  • Capacity-building for local stakeholders to manage WASH services
  • Scaling up safe and sustainable sanitation solutions
  • Promotion of sustainable agricultural techniques

Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

Xavier Lauth


At head office