
DRC : Supporting local agriculture and improving access to water

Published on Friday 21 January 2022

The Democratic Republic of Congo has been in a state of unending conflict for decades. Fleeing the abuses committed by various armed groups, millions of people escape to the country in search of safety, finding refuge in camps or host villages. This means that people living in the same area have to share the few scarce resources available, such as food, drinking water, and products to wash themselves or clean their homes and dishes.

These living conditions represent an imminent danger in a country where the number of food insecure people was estimated at 27 million in December 2021 and where the lack of water and hygiene can result in a very rapid spread of cholera, Ebola and COVID-19 epidemics.

Faced with this complex situation, Solidarités International is implementing several projects related to food security and water, sanitation and hygiene, mainly in the provinces of Ituri and North Kivu. These regions host the majority of population movements and represent the largest presence of internally displaced people in the country. This report highlights the projects carried out in the Beni area.


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Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Context and action
  • 102.26 millions inhabitants
  • 179th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index
  • 975,048 people assisted

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