
Central African Republic

A forgotten crisis in a context of armed conflict
46% of the population is vulnerable
4.1/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
164,826 people assisted


The Central African Republic (CAR) has been one of the lowest-ranked countries on the Humanitarian Development Index for several years.

The country suffers from recurring political, economic, security and humanitarian crises, mainly due to armed conflict, which have left hundreds of thousands of people displaced and impoverished.

Although the situation is becoming more stable, there is still a significant need for humanitarian assistance due to the compounded effects of these crises and the country’s structural difficulties: 2.8 million people remain vulnerable, representing 46% of the population.

Some of the most critical needs are water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), as well as food security and livelihoods (FSL). In 2023, there were also conflicts in the countries bordering CAR, triggering several major influxes of displaced people. The country therefore also faces the issue of hosting refugees and asylum seekers, in addition to all its other existing challenges.

  • 6.1 million inhabitants
  • 188th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2006
  • Team 24 international staff
    179 national staff
  • Budget 9.67M€

In 2023, SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL provided support for over 80,000 people affected by sudden shocks in hard-to-reach areas, thanks to the adaptability of our teams.

In parallel, we remained true to our commitment to combine emergency activities with a long-term perspective, by launching two projects to revive agriculture and improve the resilience of communities threatened by food insecurity.

We also developed innovative solutions to meet essential needs and ensure the sustainability of drinking water facilities, to bring lasting change to communities.


Institutional and private funding partners UNICEF, BHA, CAR HF, ECHO, AFD, L’Oréal Fund for Women
Operating partners ACF, Water for Good, Échelle Appui au Développement, Initiative Démocratie Durable (I3D)

Our impact

Emergency multi-sectoral response

  • Humanitarian surveillance, needs assessments
  • Distribution of food supplies and essential household goods
  • Rehabilitation of water points
  • Construction of latrines and promotion of good hygiene practices

Post-emergency response and access to basic services

  • Construction / rehabilitation of WASH facilities
  • Agricultural and economic recovery
people helped

Building the resilience of populations at risk by improving access to basic goods and services

  • Development of sustainable WASH facilities
  • Local development
  • Training and raising awareness on hygiene and nutrition practices

Reducing the risk of epidemics

  • WASH activities for health services and communities

Should you have any questions, please contact Justine Muzik Piquemal.

Justine Muzik Piquemal

In the world


At head office