

Hit by three humanitarian crises
453,661 internally displaced persons in the Far North region
198,940 people returned to the Far North region
11,753 refugees from Nigeria in the Far North region
64,709 people assisted


SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL continued to work in the Far North region of Cameroon in 2023.

This volatile area was affected by complex humanitarian crises due to insecurity – caused by armed conflict and inter-community violence – as well as poverty and climate shocks. The instability caused by all these factors has exacerbated structural issues and increased the vulnerability of the people living in the poorest region of Cameroon, who were forced to leave the area.

In November 2023, there were multiple population movements in the region, including 453,661 displaced people, 198,940 returnees and 11,753 refugees from Nigeria.

When households are forced to move elsewhere, they often abandon their livestock, land and tools, which means they lose their livelihoods. These steady displacements, generally towards the same areas, increase pressure on resources in host villages, especially access to land and water.

  • 28 million inhabitants
  • 151st out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2014
  • Team 13 international staff
    44 national staff
  • Budget 2.58M€

During 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL continued to provide emergency food aid and improve access to basic WASH services for the most vulnerable populations in the Far North region of Cameroon.

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL also consolidated its presence in the country by developing innovative practices and techniques to provide emergency humanitarian assistance, covering food security, livelihoods and WASH needs.

These short, medium and long-term responses were implemented to directly address the root causes of the population’s vulnerability and build their resilience.


Institutional and private funding partners DG ECHO, CDCS, AFD, EUD
Operating partners Tammounde Speranza, ACHDR

Our impact

Emergency multi-sectoral response

  • Cash transfers
  • Installation of emergency and semi-permanent shelters
  • Distribution of basic necessity kits
  • Repairing/rehabilitation of water points
  • Construction of emergency latrines

Access to basic goods and services, livelihood recovery

  • Minimum water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) pack in healthcare facilities
  • Rehabilitation and extension of water access infrastructure
  • Raising awareness on good food and hygiene practices
people helped

Building the resilience of individuals, communities and institutions

  • Capacity-building for local stakeholders to manage WASH services
  • Scaling up safe, sustainable sanitation solutions
  • Promotion of sustainable agricultural techniques

Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

Xavier Lauth


At head office