

Responding to the economic and climate crisis in the remote and underserved areas of Afghanistan
28.3 million people need humanitarian aid
21 million people facing severe or extreme levels of food insecurity
4.4/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
90,831 people assisted


Two and a half years after the Taliban returned to power, Afghanistan is still suffering from the consequences of decades of conflict.

The country’s humanitarian situation is extremely alarming: the Afghan population is faced with the combined effects of an economic crisis partially induced by international sanctions, a dysfunctional banking system, climate change and declining livelihoods.

Women are particularly vulnerable, since national measures to suppress their freedom prevent their voices from being heard and their needs from being effectively addressed. According to UN estimates, 28.3 million people – two-thirds of the country’s population – needed humanitarian assistance in 2023. Over 21 million people were faced with severe or extreme food insecurity, with just as many people experiencing serious difficulties in accessing water.

  • 42.2 million inhabitants
  • 180th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 1980, 2021
  • Team 10 international staff
    120 national staff
  • Budget 2.70M€

During 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL continued to support over 90,000 people in the most remote areas of Afghanistan, who had not received any assistance for decades.

Our teams provided short-term assistance, in the form of specific winter aid, as well as long-term support to build the resilience of rural populations.

Communities received additional assistance to provide disadvantaged families with better access to drinking water and expand their agricultural capacity. 2023 also saw our organization start operations in the remote provinces of Nimroz and Farah.


Institutional and private funding partners ECHO, OCHA-Humanitarian Pooled Fund (AHF), BHA, CDCS, Île-de-France region
Operating partners MEDAIR, Mercy Corps

Our impact

Responding to the urgent needs of populations

  • Rehabilitation and protection of water points
  • Hygiene promotion and distribution of hygiene kits
  • Distribution of winter financial assistance for the most vulnerable people
people helped

Improving community resilience to crises

  • Offering temporary employment to build / repair community infrastructure (e.g. latrines, irrigation channels)
  • Development of water networks
  • Support for agricultural and pastoral activities

Providing long-term support for communities to cope with climate change

  • Construction of irrigation systems

Should you have any questions, please contact Raphaëlle Goepfert.

Raphaëlle Goepfert


At head office