

Strengthening access to isolated populations affected by the worst humanitarian crisis of the decade to deliver ever essential aid
21.6 million people need humanitarian assistance
4.6/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
296,355 people assisted


After more than eight years of conflict, Yemen was one of the most critical humanitarian contexts in 2023.

Despite short-lived ceasefires, fighting continued, triggering additional population displacements and more destruction. In 2023, 21.6 million people needed humanitarian assistance.

The ongoing civil war resulted in economic hardship. Basic infrastructure and services, such as water supplies, sanitation and healthcare, were damaged in the fighting, exacerbating the country’s severe structural weaknesses. This placed the population in a highly vulnerable situation, with many communities suffering from severe food insecurity.

Yemen is also prone to natural disasters like flooding, as well as to climate shocks, compounding the already considerable humanitarian needs.

  • 34.16 million inhabitants
  • 183rd out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2017
  • Team 25 international staff
    137 national staff
  • Budget 14.72M€

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s teams have stepped up their efforts to support people affected by water scarcity. A project was carried out in three districts, with a specific focus on community involvement. First, assessment activities were performed to map groundwater resources, then our teams capitalised on this knowledge to improve water resource management.

The project’s collaborative approach proved to be effective by involving the communities and local authorities in designing and implementing water infrastructure, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities.

Renewed efforts to overcome access difficulties enabled SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s teams to be the first to respond to a cholera epidemic affecting the most vulnerable  communities.


Institutional and private funding partners BHA, ECHO, OCHA, CDCS, CIAA, SDC, Dutch MoFA
Operating partners DRC, Acted, NRC, Mercy Corps, ACF, IMC

Our impact

Providing a rapid, multi-sectoral response to shocks

  • Water trucking, emergency latrines, shelters, hygiene kits and essential items
  • Distribution of kits to fight cholera
  • Support for local technical departments to manage WASH during an epidemic
  • Monitoring infection prevention
  • Cash transfers for various purposes
water sanitation

Providing populations affected by the protracted crisis with decent living conditions

  • Rehabilitation of water points and domestic latrines
  • Hygiene kits and hygiene promotion
  • WASH activities in health centres and schools
people helped

Rebuilding and strengthening the resilience of communities affected by the conflict

  • Restoring livelihoods in rural areas
  • Sustainable water supplies in urban and rural areas
  • Rehabilitation of urban sanitation systems

Should you have any questions, please contact Thomas Janny.

Thomas Janny


At head office