Teknaf Upazila (administrative division) remains seriously affected by additional pressure on resources due to the long-term presence of Rohingya communities. Although this has been recognized as a protracted crisis, funding continues to decline.
Bangladesh is also extremely vulnerable to natural disasters, which are now more violent and frequent due to climate change.
The country also faces a growing exodus from rural areas to cities, resulting in overpopulated slum areas around urban centers.
In 2022, frequent epidemics further exacerbated the situation. The spread of waterborne diseases, especially in camps, was an additional burden for the overloaded healthcare system, and Covid-19 had an enormous impact on the economy.
- 165.65 million inhabitants
- 129th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index
Our action
opened in 2007 -
3 international staff
27 national staff - Budget 0.74M€
In 2021, the decision was taken to close our mission in Bangladesh in 2022. During this transitional year, our teams focused on transferring our technical expertise in WASH and DRR to our local partners so that they could take over our various activities in refugee camps and host communities.
We started operating in Bangladesh in 2007 and our programs ranged from emergency responses to development activities in rural and urban areas.
Since SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL was already working in Teknaf in 2017, when hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas fled to the area, our NGO played a major role in the collective response to their needs in Cox’s Bazar and Teknaf Upazilas.
Institutional and private funding partners ECHO, CDCS
Operating partners IRC, Anando, NGO Forum, Mukti, Nabolok
Our impact

Emergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance in Teknaf
- Technical support for WASH actors working in the area
- Emergency response to sudden crises

Increasing access to sustainable water and sanitation services
- Construction and extension of water networks in host communities
- Construction of inclusive, disaster-resilient public WASH infrastructure
- Creation and capacity-building of water management committees
- Hygiene awareness campaign in public institutions

Strengthening the resilience of communities who are vulnerable to disasters
- Building systems that contribute to disaster risk reduction
- Raising awareness within communities about disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Should you have any questions, please contact Raphaëlle Goepfert.

In the world
At head office