
South Sudan

Providing lifesaving assistance to communities affected by conflicts and climate change
9 million people need emergency humanitarian aid (73% of the population)
95% of the population depends on livelihoods sensitive to the vagaries of climate change
4.1/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
165,222 people assisted


More than a decade after gaining independence and nearly five years after the peace agreement was signed, South Sudan is still gripped by a severe humanitarian crisis.

The hallmarks of this crisis are endemic violence, measles and cholera epidemics, and destructive cycles of flooding and drought throughout the country.

The renewed conflict in neighbouring Sudan in 2023 caused an influx of refugees and returnees into South Sudan, exacerbating the already alarming situation. 95% of the country’s population
depends on climate-sensitive livelihoods, and is therefore exposed to climate change, the increasing risk of diminishing water access, critical levels of food insecurity, and waterborne diseases such as cholera.

In 2023, the United Nations estimated that 9 million people needed emergency humanitarian assistance, representing 73% of the country’s population.

  • 11.1 million inhabitants
  • 191th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2006
  • Team 12 international staff
    145 national staff
  • Budget 4.94M€

In 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL focused its activities on Upper Nile State, where WASH and food security needs remained very high. The conflict in Sudan forced 570,000 people to seek refuge in South Sudan.

Our teams immediately adapted their activities to meet the needs of displaced people and SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL opened four new sub-bases this year.

In parallel, we maintained our programs with our partners to respond to water access problems, livelihood difficulties and issues arising from conflict. This included interventions by mobile teams and static-location activities.


Institutional and private funding partners CDCS, OCHA-Humanitarian Pooled Fund, EU, ECHO, FCDO, Althémis
Operating partners NRC, DRC, Medair, Nonviolent Peaceforce

Our impact

Integrated response to acute multi-sectoral needs

  • Assessments and multi-sectoral rapid responses, incorporating protection and a conflictsensitive approach
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance and food aid
  • Distribution of basic necessities and shelters

Increasing the self-sufficiency of host communities and returnees

  • Access to sustainable water supply and sanitation services
  • Hygiene promotion
  • Distribution of agricultural inputs and revitalisation of community cooperatives
people helped

Building the population’s resilience to natural disasters

  • Capacity-building to design disaster-resilient constructions
  • Early warning system and emergency plans

Should you have any questions, please contact Raphaëlle Goepfert.

Raphaëlle Goepfert


At head office