

Emergency aid after the floods
33 million people affected by the floods of 2022
11.8 million people acutely food insecure
10 million children under 5 suffer from malnutrition
16,503 people assisted


Pakistan is considered one of the ten worst affected countries by climate change in the world.

Every year, the country suffers from periods of flooding or drought. These recurrent climate hazards, coupled with chronic political and economic instability, and the two million Afghan refugees hosted by the country, all dramatically affect the living conditions of its rural and urban populations.

In June 2022, the whole country was engulfed in historic floods, which affected 33 million people and destroyed homes, water points and harvests.

The consequences of this unprecedented disaster were still being felt in 2023, with 11.8 million Pakistanis considered acutely food insecure, 10 million children under five suffering from malnutrition, and with floodwaters still covering certain provinces, obstructing access to agricultural land and drinking water.

  • 235.82 million inhabitants
  • 161st out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2005, 2010, 2022
  • Team 2 international staff
    26 national staff
  • Budget 1.02M€

In 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL deployed emergency teams in Pakistan to respond to the impact of the floods in 2022, as well as to resume operations in the country, after closing our mission in 2015.

Our teams re-opened the mission and, despite their recent arrival in the country, were able to respond to the WASH and food security needs of communities directly affected by flooding, who had not yet received any assistance because the area was difficult to access and suffered from high crime rates.


Institutional and private funding partners CDCS, ECHO, Althémis

Operating partners Handicap International, Acted, Secours Islamique Français, Sachal Welfare, Goth Seegar foundation

Our impact

water sanitation

Emergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) response for communities affected by the 2022 floods

  • Rehabilitation and construction of drinking water points in villages and schools
  • Construction of flood-proof community latrines
  • Distribution of hygiene and water access kits
  • Hygiene promotion sessions
food security

Emergency food support for households affected by malnutrition

  • Distribution of food kits to meet the household’s needs for two months
  • Awareness sessions on hygiene and solutions to reduce exposure to malnutrition

Should you have any questions, please contact Philippe Bonnet

Philippe Bonnet


At head office