As of 15 April 2023, armed hostilities broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in several cities.
These clashes initially took place in Northern State and Khartoum State – mainly in the cities of Khartoum, Omdurman, El Obeid, Nyala and El Fasher. They then spread to Darfur and Kordofan State, and finally to Al Jazeera State in December 2023.
The violence triggered large-scale population movements within the country, making Sudan the largest displacement crisis in the world. 6.2 million people were displaced inside the country’s borders, 67% of whom sought refuge in host communities. The conflict had a devastating impact on access to basic services. The population no longer had access to healthcare, education, safe living conditions or even to food. To date, 24.7 million people need humanitarian assistance.
- 48.11 million inhabitants
- 172nd out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index
Our action

opened in 2004 (Darfour), 2020 -
23 international staff
75 national staff - Budget 3.36M€
Following the initial hostilities in April 2023, then the forced evacuation of our expatriate team from Sudan, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL was the first international NGO to return to Darfur and organise an emergency response. Field bases have been operational in West Darfur and Gedaref State since the end of 2023.
SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has used its expertise in emergency responses to assess humanitarian needs and take the necessary action. This includes rehabilitating water systems damaged during the fighting, providing a healthy living environment by building latrines and shelters, managing solid waste and distributing basic necessities. However, although we were able to reach difficultto-access areas, our operations were hampered by the general level of violence and insecurity.
Institutional and private funding partners CDCS, CIAA, SHF, BHA, Sudan FH, ECHO
Operating partners PUI, Mercy Corps, TGH, DCD, ADD
Our impact

Emergency multi-sectoral response
– Saving and protecting the lives of people affected by the conflict, epidemics or climate shocks by meeting their vital, immediate needs

Access to basic goods and services, livelihood recovery
– Construction and rehabilitation of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities
– Food aid
– Livelihood recovery

Building the resilience of individuals, communities and institutions
– Reducing the vulnerability of affected populations
– Contributing to social cohesion by improving governance and consolidating the management of natural resources with local stakeholders
Should you have any questions, please contact Justine Muzik Piquemal.

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