

Supporting the populations of Cabo Delgado
2,250,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection
3.6/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
109,083 people assisted


Cabo Delgado province, in northern Mozambique, has been affected by conflict with a radical armed group since 2017.

This endemic violence prevented many displaced people from returning home and cultivating their land. However, the humanitarian situation in northern Mozambique evolved in 2023, with displaced populations gradually returning to their home districts.

The ever-increasing number of people in temporary camps is placing high pressure on available resources (food, drinking water, wood) in the province.

Displaced populations are living in disastrous conditions: to survive, they have to rely on their families, host communities and humanitarian assistance. The humanitarian community in Mozambique estimates that 2,250,000 people in total need humanitarian assistance and protection.

  • 33.9 million inhabitants
  • 185th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2019, 2021
  • Team 28 international staff
    164 national staff
  • Budget 8.08M€

A broader strategy was implemented in 2023 to support the successive waves of displaced people returning to Cabo Delgado. Shelter, WASH and food security activities provided households with the assistance they needed. In addition, our teams deployed the rapid response mechanism (RRM) to cover temporary surges in needs. This mechanism will be consolidated to adapt to any future deteriorations in the situation.

In addition, to enable people affected by the conflict to regain their self-sufficiency and recover their livelihoods, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is supporting agricultural activities and fishing.


Institutional and private funding partners ECHO, BHA, CDCS, UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, SDC
Operating partners NRC, ACF

Our impact

Rapid humanitarian response for communities affected by the crisis

  • Rapid needs assessment
  • Emergency response: water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), shelters, food and non-food items
    in sites hosting displaced people
people helped

Restoring safe, decent living conditions for vulnerable populations

  • Improving long-term access to water
  • Support for community sanitation
  • Provision of safe temporary shelters
  • General distribution of food and shelters

Restoring access to livelihoods and maintaining access to public services

  • Consolidation of local infrastructure
  • Support for agricultural production and fishing
  • Rehabilitation or construction of WASH facilities
  • Support for “private” operators
  • Water access management plan, capacity-building for water installations

Should you have any questions, please contact Justine Muzik Piquemal.

Justine Muzik Piquemal

In the world


At head office