On September 8, 2023, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Morocco. With 2,946 dead, 5,674 injured and 20,000 homes destroyed, the country faced a sudden humanitarian crisis. In the ravaged mountainous areas, access to toilets, showers and sometimes even water was rendered impossible. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s appeal for donations raised 196,000 euros to finance the installation of sanitary infrastructures, and thus guarantee the safety and dignity of the victims.
With the emergency phase now over, our teams handed over the baton at the end of 2023 to local development players and the Moroccan government, who are now in a position to meet the needs of those affected. Reconstruction efforts are continuing.
Our action
For four months, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL took part in reconstruction efforts to provide emergency sanitation facilities for the inhabitants of 17 remote villages (douars) destroyed by the earthquake. As a result, 68 latrine blocks and 47 showers were built, giving 1,610 people dignified access to vital infrastructure.
A specialist in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) was made available to partners carrying out WASH activities to provide technical support. Latrine design and specifications were shared.
These activities were financed by private donations, AERMC (Agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse) Wavestone, and the WASH specialist by Synergies.
Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

At head office