

Addressing the needs of the most vulnerable, from life-saving to life-building
2.7 million people internally displaced
4.6/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
191,693 people assisted


Since the military coup in February 2021, Myanmar has been plagued by violent clashes between government forces and armed ethnic groups, jeopardising the protection of people living in highly vulnerable circumstances.

This unrest has exacerbated the severe humanitarian crisis, triggering the displacement of 2.7 million people, including an additional 850,000 people since the end of 2023.

Living conditions for Burmese people have deteriorated due to economic recession. They are struggling to meet their essential needs and are no longer able to build their future prospects. The situation worsened again in Spring 2023, when Cyclone Mocha struck the country. Rakhine State was worst affected, where Rohingya communities still live in confinement in camps for displaced people and remain highly dependent on international humanitarian aid.

Despite the severity of the crisis in Myanmar, it remains largely forgotten, with insufficient funding for humanitarian assistance.

  • 54.6 million inhabitants
  • 149th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2008
  • Team 17 international staff
    311 national staff
  • Budget 8.15M€

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL maintained its front-line humanitarian response, despite the very restricted operating environment. Our NGO provided essential services to people living in long-term displacement camps and also responded, through its partners, to emerging needs in hard-to-reach areas.

In Rakhine State, the impact of Cyclone Mocha prompted our teams to combine their annual programs with emergency response activities. Adaptation to climate change is an absolute priority in this highly exposed country. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL reinforced its localisation strategy with civil society organisations, to increase their autonomy and strengthen communities.


Institutional and private funding partners ECHO, FCDO, AFD, CDCS, CIAA, UNICEF, UNOPS, OCHA-Humanitarian Pooled Fund (MHF), BHA
Operating partners OXFAM, NRC, IRC, PUI and many local partners

Our impact

Rapid multi-sectoral emergency response

  • Emergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance
  • Distribution of food, essential items and shelters
  • Cash-based multi-sectoral assistance
  • Coordinated multi-sectoral response to Cyclone Mocha

Improving opportunities for economic recovery and access to essential services for conflict-affected populations

  • Water supply and sanitation
  • Consolidation of community-managed WASH services
  • Support for agriculture and livelihoods
people helped

Strengthening community resilience

  • Partnerships with civil society organisations
  • Sustainable management of critical natural resources by communities

Should you have any questions, please contact Raphaëlle Goepfert.

Raphaëlle Goepfert


At head office