In 2023, the situation deteriorated even further, with 15.3 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, 5.3 million of whom were displaced within the country.
Relentless armed violence, air strikes and bombing occur on a daily basis, causing considerable damage to essential services. Northern Syria is particularly affected by the depletion of agricultural resources, rising living costs, current sanctions and the collapse of markets and other productive infrastructure.
Water facilities are in poor condition, putting the population at risk, and cannot supply a sufficient quality and quantity of water. This already severe crisis is further exacerbated by climate conditions, with harsh winters and diminishing resources forcing vulnerable populations to leave.
- 23.2 million inhabitants
- 150th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index
Our action

opened in 2012 -
45 international staff
302 national staff - Budget 26.99M€
SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s teams helped over 115,000 people affected by the earthquake. Our teams were mobilised just hours after the disaster, distributing food aid and helping clear away rubble.
To support the long-term recovery of those affected, infrastructure is being rehabilitated and grants are being provided for companies.
In north-eastern Syria, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is placing particular emphasis on water scarcity. Our teams are focusing on improving the resilience of communities and their ability to
adapt to climate change, as well as on developing livelihoods, infrastructure and suitable systems.
Institutional and private funding partners BHA, CDCS, CIAA, ECHO, Global Europe, Fondation de France, Wavestone, GIZ, OCHA, SRTF, AESN
Operating partners People in Need (PIN), Un Ponte Per (UPP), Relief International (RI), IhsanRD, Action for Humanity
Our impact

Vital emergency response to meet immediate needs following shocks
- Distribution of emergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) kits
- Winterisation
- Shelters, essential items, cash transfer

Providing essential services to the most vulnerable communities affected by the protracted crisis
- WASH assistance kits
- Construction of decent shelters and distribution of basic necessities
- Food assistance, agricultural and gardening projects

Restoring public services, economic capacity and community resilience
- Support for micro, small and medium-sized companies
- Rehabilitation of key infrastructure (water plants and networks, irrigation channels, private shelters, health facilities, schools)
Should you have any questions, please contact Thomas Janny.

At head office