In the Tillabéri region, 93% of schools were closed, preventing 80,000 children from pursuing their education. The crisis was compounded by internal population displacements and an influx of refugees from neighbouring countries due to persistent insecurity and climate disruptions.
3.3 million people in Niger were suffering from food insecurity in 2023. International and ECOWAS sanctions following the military coup on 26 July 2023 resulted in shortages of basic food supplies and inflated prices.
The suspension of humanitarian operations at the end of August 2023 obstructed access to areas in need of assistance and affected NGOs, who also faced financial difficulties. Despite these challenges, humanitarian organisations like SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL are resolutely working to help affected populations.
- 26.6 million inhabitants
- 189th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index
Our action

opened in 2020 (re-opening) -
9 international staff
78 national staff - Budget 1.88M€
During 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL widened its scope of action and extended its presence within Niger.
In addition to WASH activities, our teams also provided shelter assistance for recently displaced people in Abala, Banibangou and Gothèye, where we opened a third operational base in May 2023. This new base in Gothèye Department is part of the NGO’s expansion strategy to meet humanitarian needs. It allowed our teams to carry out food security and livelihood (FSL) activities, by supporting food production and income generating activities.
SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL benefits from HAACT reports and research (Humanitarian Analysis for Access in Challenging conTexts) to help us maintain our presence in difficult-to-access areas, deliver assistance and work closely with affected communities.
Institutional and private funding partners DG ECHO, CDCS, BHA, SDC
Operating partners Mercy Corps
Our impact

Emergency multi-sectoral response
- Cash transfers
- Installation of emergency and semi-permanent shelters
- Distribution of basic necessity kits
- Repairing/rehabilitation of water points
- Construction of emergency latrines

Access to essential goods and services, livelihood recovery
- Minimum water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) pack in healthcare facilities
- Rehabilitation and extension of water access infrastructure
- Raising awareness on good food and hygiene practices

Building the resilience of individuals, communities and institutions
- Capacity-building for local stakeholders to manage WASH services
- Scaling up safe, sustainable sanitation solutions
- Promotion of sustainable agricultural techniques
Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

At head office