
Burkina Faso

Drinking water for displaced people and hosting communities
4.1/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
698,863 people assisted


Burkina Faso has been plagued by a growing security crisis since 2016.

In 2023, the country was faced with an escalation in attacks and military operations, as well as a tougher stance from the government. Several attempts to destabilise the country were thwarted and the country announced its departure from ECOWAS, while strengthening its ties with Russia.

Population displacements continued, with people returning to their home areas following military campaigns to retake territory.

The most urgent needs among displaced populations remain food, drinking water, shelter and hygiene products. However, in certain host areas, population pressure on land is rapidly depleting resources, exposing communities to malnutrition and disease. Certain humanitarian response methods, such as cash transfers, are forbidden in several provinces, making it even more difficult to meet needs.

  • 23.25 million inhabitants
  • 184th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in 2018
  • Team 22 international staff
    176 national staff
  • Budget 10.92M€

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has extended its operations to Tougan, in Sourou province, in the Boucle du Mouhoun region. This shows our NGO’s strategic flexibility to adapt to the constantly deteriorating context and enduring humanitarian access challenges. Our teams demonstrated their adaptability by adjusting their operational methods in order to maintain their presence in areas under blockade, such as Djibo, Sebba, Titao and Bourzanga.

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is applying a nexus approach in Burkina Faso, by implementing projects that simultaneously combine emergency, recovery and development activities. This approach allows us to provide a holistic response to the needs of crisis-affected populations.


Institutional and private funding partners CIAA-PFA, AEAP, BHA, ECHO, MOFA, AFD, EUD, USAID, GFFO, RHFWCA, CDCS, Béthune, Start Fund
Operating partners ACF, PUI, GRET, UNIJED, AGED, Groupe URD, ONEA, the Technical Departments of the Ministries of Water, Health, Agriculture and Livestock at the national, regional, and local levels, CONASUR – Ministry of Humanitarian Action at the regional and provincial levels

Our impact

Emergency multi-sectoral response

  • Cash transfers
  • Installation of emergency and semi-permanent shelters
  • Distribution of basic necessity kits
  • Repairing/rehabilitation of water points
  • Construction of emergency latrines

Access to essential goods and services, livelihood recovery

  • Minimum water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) pack in healthcare facilities
  • Rehabilitation and extension of water access infrastructure
  • Raising awareness on good food and hygiene practices
food security

Building the resilience of individuals, communities and institutions

  • Capacity-building for local stakeholders to manage WASH services
  • Scaling up safe, sustainable sanitation solutions
  • Promotion of sustainable agricultural techniques

Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

Xavier Lauth

In the world


At head office