

From 2001 to 2005


Since gaining independence in 1975, Angola has been torn apart by civil war.

It wasn’t until 5 April 2002 that a cease-fire was agreed, enabling NGOs to finally come to the assistance of those people – largely abandoned – who had hitherto been unreachable and therefore deprived of humanitarian aid.

Our action

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s activities in Angola focused on the areas surrounding the towns of Mungo and Mussende. Our teams worked to improve the local population’s living conditions by implementing food security, drinking water access and sanitation programs.

These activities targeted the basic, urgent needs of local families, and entailed large-scale food distributions for 35,000 people in 2003 and 56,500 people in 2004 and 2005.
To complement these distributions, food security programmes were also carried out to ensure that returning Angolan refugees would have access to stable, sustainable sources of food. By combining these two forms of assistance, our teams contributed to reducing malnutrition rates in the country.

To facilitate access to drinking water and improve the health conditions surrounding its use, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL participated in rehabilitating water infrastructure, building water networks and installing latrines, so as to provide the local population with decent living conditions. To this end, our teams built wells and fountains, installed latrines in schools, organized activities to promote good hygiene practices in these same schools, created water management committees, and constructed washing areas in the municipalities of Mungo and Mussende.

Should you have any questions, please contact Emmanuel Rinck

Emmanuel Rinck

In the world


At head office