Do you want to become a member of SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL?
As soon as your membership is validated by the Bureau, you become a member of SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL, giving you the right to participate and vote in its Annual General Assembly.
> For more information about our organization and governance, visit our presentation in our website or read the association Articles.
To become a member, please follow the next 4 steps
1. Please read the association Charter.
2. Fill in the questionnaire below and agree to respect the Charter.
This questionnaire is considered as a membership form.
If you are already a member, you can skip to step 3.
Your data are used to send you our monthly newsletter. You can use the unsubscribe link integrated in the newsletter at any time. Learn more about managing your data and your rights.
3. Pay your subscription:
This step is necessary for your application to be considered compete. The minimum membership fee for one year is 5€, but you can choose another amount if you wish. You will receive (if eligible) an annual tax receipt for the amount paid.
> By direct debit: fill in the direct debit membership form and send it with your bank details by email to or by post to: SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL, for the attention of “la personne en charge de la vie associative”, 89 rue de Paris, 92110 Clichy;
> By credit card via online payment;
> By check to be sent by mail to the address: SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL, for the attention of “Community Life”, 89 rue de Paris, 92110 Clichy, France.
For any information or question about memberships, you can contact the person in charge of members and governance at