Field Coordinator (FC)
The Field Coordinator has a delegated Head of Mission role for a region in the country where SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is in operation.
It is his/her responsibility to put forward the regional strategy in line with the current geopolitical and humanitarian situation, and to ensure that it is properly implemented once approved.
As a Field Coordinator, you will be mobilizing the material and financial resources required to run the programs properly and supervise their management. You will coordinate teams on site and be responsible for their safety.
This position is only open to applicants who have already had SEVERAL different field experiences, and who possess management and leadership skills, as well as a good overview and understanding of the “Support” and “Programs” issues.
Program-related skills
Is able to analyse the background pertaining to the area where they are working:
The Field Coordinator is responsible for analysing the situation pertaining to their area and sector of work (in terms of the geopolitical, humanitarian, socio-economic, cultural, legal and protection landscape) by identifying the various entities in operation there, along with the principal issues.
It is therefore his/her responsibility to put forward and develop an operational strategy consistent with people’s needs and SI’s global strategy.
Ensures operational relevance and quality
The Field Coordinator ensures that actions are properly implemented and monitored, if necessary redefining projects’ organizational procedures, management and follow-up in order to adapt them to their particular situation.
He/she coordinates the actions to be implemented, oversees risk control and is responsible for ensuring the internal reports reach the relevant teams.
Handles relations with SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL ’s partners and develops new partnerships.
SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s official representative in their area, the Field Coordinator must liaise with different aid teams, administrative, political and local authorities, civil society and the media, as well as local and international coordination bodies operating in the area where they are working. The strategy for each must be understood and analysed.
It is also the Field Coordinator’s job to help strengthen relations between SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL and donor representatives. He/she will help draw up the funding strategy, and to write and submit funding applications that he/she follows up throughout the project implementation phase.
Lastly, identifying new local operational partners with a view to programmatic collaboration and skill transfers may be an important direction for the Field Coordinator, depending on the areas where he/she is working.
Takes responsibility for security management:
The Field Coordinator analyses the security situation in their particular area. He/she implements, applies and updates the organization’s safety management tools and helps define them if necessary. He/she is responsible for ensuring that his/her team complies with all security and safety regulations.
Lastly, the Field Coordinator is responsible for the immediate management of any security incidents that might occur in the area where you are working.
“Support” skills
In addition to responsibilities linked to the programs themselves, the Field Coordinator also plays a key role in resource management. He/she is responsible for any human, financial or logistical provisioning required in order to accomplish the projects in his/her area of intervention.
Takes responsibility for Human Resources (HR) management
You will be responsible for applying SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s HR procedures and policies, as well as ensuring compliance with the country’s legal framework. You will help to implement the human resources management policy (evaluation, training, promotion, mobility, etc.) in conjunction with the administrator and head office. You will be responsible for employees’ work/life balance and maintaining a suitable working and living environment. You will be responsible for managing any employees placed under your direct supervision, for internal and external communications addressed to the team, and for ensuring that the team is well led and works as a cohesive unit. This role also involves preventing and managing interpersonal conflicts. You will lead training sessions in your sphere of competence.
Is able to supervise support functions: logistics and finance.
– The Field Coordinator ensures that his/her base is financially stable, by carrying out the following:
Coordinating the drawing up of the provisional budget (forecasting provisional costs) for the base, and helping to write the action funding strategy.
Ensures budget compliance and delivers budgetary and financial monitoring (analyzing discrepancies and putting forward corrective measures to the administrator and mission leader; defining, implementing and monitoring indicators and dashboards)
More specifically, monitors the budget allocated by donors funding projects in their specific area.
– The Field Coordinator supervises / helps to manage logistical resources
Ensures compliance with logistical procedures required in order to mobilize and use the goods and equipment needed to carry out our actions (supplies, usage conditions, maintenance, etc.)
Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability when making decisions about and prioritizing the use of resources available for the project
Monitors and helps to ensure compliance with regulations specific to purchase management.
Additional skills
– Can communicate in both English and French with teams, employees, partners and various authorities. Has the ability to negotiate in both languages.
– Has strong writing skills in both languages.
– Speaks fluently in public and with his/her contacts. Easily understands the people he/she is speaking to.
– Proficient in basic IT functions (Office).
– Proficient in computerized communication tools (email, internet, communication software, etc.)
– They are the same as required for any field position:
– Demonstrates adaptability and flexibility, reliability and solidity, discernment and initiative.
– Common sense is however your key tool, along with empathy, listening skills and persuasiveness.
Possible career paths
After several missions, Field Coordinators tend to become Heads of Mission.
The Head of Mission is the official representative of SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL in a country or in part of a country. He/she is responsible for ensuring the mission runs smoothly overall, for its strategic relevance and for its operational intelligence.
As we offer the option to swap between working on the ground and working at head office, or should your personal circumstances require you to return to France, we can offer roles at head office that are a logical extension of our field coordinator position, depending on your initial experience:
If the Field Coordinator has specialist technical training in WASH or Food Security & Livelihoods, he/she would be eligible for a position as technical officer at Head Office in the Technical and Program Quality Department. He/she can also become a Programs Manager on one of our operational desks.
There are numerous options for those with a more general background, such as Human Resources (recruitment, support, career management), Development and Communication (Partnerships, Communication, Testimonials, PR, Publications, etc.)