

Published on Friday 17 March 2017

It is a human right. Universal access to water is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. But for the NGO SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL: ”Access to drinking water will remain a humanitarian emergency without a massive political and financial commitment from the States.” A major humanitarian stakeholder in the fight for access to drinking water, the NGO SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL reminds us on March 22nd that water remains one of the leading causes of mortality in the world.

According to the 3rd edition of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Barometer* of the humanitarian association SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL, which assesses this vital resource every year: 2.6 million people in the world still die every year from water-related diseases.
(press conference on March 22nd at 6pm at agnes b, see below)

1 child under the age of 5 dies every minute from unsafe water.
A massacre caused by the fact that the lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitation does not affect millions but billions of people every year. Nearly half of the world drinks water of dubious quality or dangerous for their health. 500 million people experience severe water shortages every year. 2.4 billion people still do not have a toilet.

“Despite the commitments made by the United Nations in 2015 with the 2015-2030 SDGs, we are now very sceptical about the determination of the States and the International Community to meet their commitments for the most fragile countries.”
In 2010, access to water and sanitation was recognized as a human right at the UN. In 2015, the United Nations finally made universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation by 2030 one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 6).
But for SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL, a humanitarian actor fighting waterborne diseases in the most severe crises in the world, Objective 6, if it has the great merit of existing, seems to be an abstract objective for the most fragile countries.

“Without strong political commitment, without massive funding, this objective will once again remain wishful thinking. What are the constraints for States that do not take up this issue of access to water? None!”
Jean-Yves Troy, General Director of the NGO SOLIDARITIES INTERNATIONAL
“These 2015-2030 SDGs have the merit of setting targets that enable us to take action, challenge States and question them on the level of their commitments. As we know, only a strong political commitment will make it possible to make the implementation of this objective a reality. It is the will and message of States that prevails. The means are also crucial to set actions. We rely on our partners and donors to maintain and always strengthen their efforts: governments, major donors, companies, local authorities and French public institutions…”.
This constant political and financial commitment of the States until 2030 is the non-negotiable condition for us, as humanitarian aid workers, to be able to act on a daily basis with the most fragile victims of conflicts, epidemics and natural disasters in Haiti, Asia, the Sahel and the Horn of Africa to restore water to its rightful place: at the centre of everything!

State of play of a vital resource for humanity and the commitments made for its universal access by 2030

Baromtre grand

Press conference at agnès b. March 22nd, 2017 at 6pm, with SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL & water experts, participating in the 3rd edition of this barometer.
4-6 rue du Jour, 75001 Paris, France
In the new edition of its water barometer, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL invited experts, politicians, national and international institutions, companies, French authorities… to discuss the commitments made, the means to reach them and their role in this vital fight against the mortality of waterborne diseases and for sustainable access to drinking water and sanitation.

Already 200,000 signatures in favour of access to water for all!

puits pour tous grand

On the eve of the presidential election, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL reminds candidates of the importance of France’s commitments to promote universal access to drinking water, within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. Because it is a matter of life and death for millions of human beings.
On this World Water Day, Internet users are invited to take part in our major mobilization campaign: “Wells for all”!
Sign the petition “Drinking water for all” so that governments can finally make the strong and indispensable commitments that this scourge imposes.
Give us the means to act on the ground and win our challenge to raise €200,000 to build 34 wells!
Share on social networks and you will ensure our operation gets more visibility and outreach, and therefore efficiency.
“Building wells is about granting access to the most essential resource for life. And because water is closely linked to health, education, the economy, the environment… it also means giving every human being access to development.”


Tugdual de Dieuleveult | tdedieuleveult@solidarites.org | +33 (0) 1 76 21 87 11 – +33 (0) 6 64 92 50 37