

From 2012 to 2014


In a time when a food crisis threatens 18 million people in the Sahel, an unprecedented political crisis hits Mali. More than 400,000 people have to flock to the border with Mauritania. Many settled in the camps of Fassala and then Mbera, in the department of Bassikounou (province of Hodh Ech Chargui).

As of December 2012, 54,117 people were registered in the Mbera camp (UNHCR).

The military intervention launched in January 2013 in Mali led to a new influx of refugees. Several thousand people, mostly women, children and the elderly, chose to leave their homes to reach Mauritania.

By mid-June 2013, more than 74,000 people were officially dependent on humanitarian aid in the Mbera camp.

Our action

In response to the influx of Malian refugees and the ensuing crisis, our teams set up emergency water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in the Fassala and Mbera refugee camps. As early as 2011, teams started installing water infrastructure (boreholes, water supply networks, latrines).
In the Hodh El Gharbi region, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL responded to food security needs with a program targeting agro-pastoralist communities through direct cash support for the communities during the lean season, developing strategies to improve resistance to post-drought crises, and also evaluating future needs.
During its second phase, the programme aimed to increase the resilience of vulnerable populations in the region, through cash transfer schemes, Cash for Work activities, support for market gardening, and also by enlarging village food stocks, and organizing nutrition awareness campaigns.

Should you have any questions, please contact Emmanuel Rinck

Emmanuel Rinck


At head office