SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL set up in Indonesia to help those affected by the 2004 and 2005 earthquakes, as well as by years of armed conflict. Our actions concentrated on the districts of Aceh Barat, Pidie and Nagan Raya (Aceh province), and Lolofitu-Moï, Mandrehe, Hiliduo (on Nias Island).
Our action
SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL launched aid programs to help Tsunami victims right at the beginning of 2005. Water, sanitation and hygiene programs were implemented to rehabilitate damaged water facilities and rebuild wells and latrines in displacement camps, thus ensuring safe access to drinking water and decent health conditions for 11,533 people. Educational infrastructure and health centres were also rehabilitated to enable children to resume school as soon as possible after the Tsunami, and to provide them with access to healthcare.
Our teams also provided support to resume agricultural production and repair damage. They cleared and drained 700 hectares of farmland, which had been polluted by salt water and assorted debris.
We continued our action in 2006, once again to assist earthquake victims, mainly in Aceh province (in the districts of Aceh Barat, Pidie and Nagan Raya) and on Nias island (in the sub-districts of Lolofitu-Moï, Mandrehe and Hiliduo). Based upon the needs they had identified, our teams focused their activities on installing drinking water points (boreholes, digging or rehabilitating wells, building protected springs) and ensuring basic hygiene (constructing public and domestic latrines, distributing hygiene kits, raising hygiene awareness).
Should you have any questions, please contact Emmanuel Rinck

In the world
At head office