

For a sustainable recovery in a context of deep and widespread crisis
51% of the population need urgent assistance
48% of the population suffer from hunger
4.3/5 ACAPS humanitarian crisis severity ranking
52,322 people assisted


Since August 2023, the security situation in Haiti has drastically deteriorated, paralysing the country.

Criminal gangs have taken control of 80% of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area, and the remaining 20% are liable to incursions.

This situation has severely impacted the population’s daily lives, compounding the crisis caused by the upsurge of the cholera epidemic in October 2022. The 2023-2024 Humanitarian Response Plan estimated that 51% of the population needed urgent humanitarian assistance. This report also concluded that 48% of the population was suffering from hunger. The country had one of the highest chronic food insecurity rates in the world.

The situation was particularly critical for many internally displaced people living in unsanitary conditions in the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area.

  • 11.72 million inhabitants
  • 163rd out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index

Our action

  • Mission
    opened in From 2004 to 2007, then since 2010
  • Team 7 international staff
    51 national staff
  • Budget 2.73M€

Since March 2023, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has played an important role in six sites for displaced people, including Monfort, the largest and hardest-to-reach site. Our whole coordination team has joined our field teams to bolster their capacity to deliver assistance.

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has become the only humanitarian organisation working in the area, where we have carried out WASH activities to address the needs of both host communities and displaced people.

Our NGO also met the challenge of responding to a cholera alert in Kenscoff, a hard-to-reach, rural town, where our teams successfully implemented an appropriate response. Among other
activities, this involved renting a donkey to transport cholera kits.


Institutional and private funding partners CDCS, UNICEF, City of Paris, CIAA, IOM

Our impact

Preventing risks due to recurrent crises and responding to the vital needs of vulnerable populations

  • Participation in the humanitarian surveillance and early warning system
  • Setting up cordons in response to cholera alerts, prevention, distribution of hygiene kits
  • Building the capacity of local organisations to respond to emergencies
  • Emergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) response pack in displacement sites
  • Cash distribution to meet nutritional needs
people helped

Consolidating long-term resilience

  • Rehabilitation of drinking water points and WASH facilities, especially in schools
  • Improvement of household food and nutrition practices
  • Support for income generating activities
  • Consolidation of social water management

Should you have any questions, please contact Xavier Lauth

Xavier Lauth

In the world


At head office