Naser and his family live in Shadab Zafer camp. “I’m a daily worker, but in winter there are no jobs. Sometimes I stay at home for several days with no work. Last month, the vouchers enabled our family to have food for every day. There is still some food left for this coming month.”

At the end of the programme, a survey will be conducted to determine exactly how the money from the cash distribution is spent by the families and whether the voucher distribution results in better food diversity than direct food distribution. The findings of this survey will help SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL to adapt future activities and to assess whether a cash-based approach is more efficient in the KIS during the winter response.
The cash distribution is being implemented in one KIS, in Police District (PD) 4, for 46 households, while the voucher-for-food scheme benefits 322 households living in 4 camps in PD5.
In addition, in close collaboration with the partners working in the KIS, SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL has distributed blankets and tarpaulins to 306 households.
Context and action- 42.2 million inhabitants
- 180th out of 191 countries on the Human Development Index
- 90,831 people assisted